NeW Announces Winner of 2018 Essay Contest | Vianca Rodriguez

NeW is excited to announce the winner of the College Division of the 2018 #ShesConservative Essay Contest is Vianca Rodriguez! Congratulations, Vianca!

To read Vianca’s essay that was published in Red Alert Politics, click here.

What inspired you to enter this essay contest?

I guess what inspired me the most to enter this contest was the question at stake, in regards to the essay, which was to explain why exactly one is Conservative. It got me really thinking that I have never actually sat down to analyze or explain why I believe the things I do, and why I am so passionate about the movement. I thought it was a great opportunity to finally do so. 

Have you experienced a lack of intellectual diversity on your campus or in your community?

It’s unfortunate to admit but in both universities I have so far attended, I believe there is a definite, hidden intention to suppress certain minority voices, including those that concern the Conservative ideology. This mostly coming from students and professors alike, although the ones playing a more active role tend to be students toward other students. Instead of pushing each other up in a learning environment and become accepting of different viewpoints and opinions, they instead aim to tear other peers down, and it’s frankly disappointing.  

What do you think should be done to promote more intellectual diversity?

I believe students should continue to keep up the good fight and get more involved in student organizations that promote this type of healthy environment. But if there aren’t enough organizations that uphold these values, then they should definitely take the initiative to form their own.  

What role do you think NeW plays for women?

Historically, women are so often undermined in many roles, especially those that involve politics. NeW is a tremendous organization that can combine like-minded females to fraternize, talk about historical and current issues, as well as address these concerns amongst each other. Which ultimately allows for fruitful conversations to take place, giving women the acknowledgment that they are not alone in their feelings and the confidence to take action.  

What encouragement would you give to other girls like you who are conservative but worried about saying so?

I would say don’t be afraid and speak up. I know for a fact there are many women out there that think just like you, but are too afraid to speak up. You’d be surprised to notice that you would actually share many of these values with many other women. Be the leading voice that paves way for other young women to find courage in their beliefs. And if you feel like you need to “start from scratch”, or are new to school/college, find the voices of those already established within student organizations. Although more traditional, it is a classic and quicker way to meet other women in which you could cater to help form your support group, and even build friendships that could last for the rest of your life. Follow sites and groups on social media, such as this, the Network of Enlightened Women, PragerU, Future Female Leaders of America (FFL of America), College Republicans, amongst many others. You’ll spark the motivation inside you once you see other young students doing some of the things you could also take part of when you feel ready. You are never alone, always remember that. And…The Red Wave is definitely coming! 🙂


Is Campus Intolerence Good for Conservatives?

Princeton Professor Lauren A. Wright argues that conservative students benefit from the lack of intellectual diversity on college campuses in a recent article. She writes, “Conservative students, rather


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