Alex Tottser is a senior at Gettysburg College studying Political Science with a History minor. Having a father who is a small business owner taught him first hand the hardship that government can put on businesses and would help push him towards his passion for politics. This passion would lead him towards internships at Congressmen Brian and Mike Fitzpatrick’s offices, the Koch Internship Program, and the American Conservative Union. These internships would not only allow him to deepen his own political knowledge, but also spread his ideals to his peers.
On campus Alex is involved with the College Republicans and Young Americans for Liberty. As a member of these clubs he has involved himself with campus discussion on free speech, the surveillance state, and the erosion of our civil liberties. Alex believes that there are few things as important as conversation in discourse, and that few areas provide that better than a college campus. If named gentlemen of the year, Alex would like to see the donation go to Scholarship America, so that more students will have the chance to attend a college to help make their mark on the world.