8 Books To Read this Fall

Readers are Leaders! Below is a diverse list of books you should consider reading with your NeW Chapter this semester.

1. What is Conservatism?

This anthology explores the basic principles of the conservative movement and features some of the leading conservative thinkers of the last century, such as Russell Kirk, Frank S. Meyer, William F. Buckley Jr., F.A. Hayek, and M. Stanton Evans. If you want a better grasp on the essence of conservatism, this is the book for you. It displays the commonalities between each faction of conservatism and the points of contrast. Jonah Goldberg called this text, “The Federalist Papers of American Conservatism”.

2. Sex Matters– Mona Charen

Mona Charen’s hot off the press book Sex Matters is an insightful and resonating critique of the feminist agenda. Charen debunks the myth that men and women are the same, and that women’s happiness lies in sexual liberation and success in the workplace. This work shows how the feminist agenda has contributed to the breakdown of the family, unhappiness for women, aimlessness for men, and the hook-up culture. Her book will certainly be a thought-provoking read, and a great conversation starter for chapter meetings.

3. The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, How You Think, and How You Vote – Sharyl Attkisson

Attkisson is a seasoned veteran in the world of investigative journalism, so she can detect a Smear Campaign with ease. This book exposes the tactics of “Smear artists”, and how they are influencing some of the biggest political media outlets. Attkisson also discusses the ramifications of biased and dishonest media. The political process has been subverted, and most importantly, the truth has been buried. Hopefully this book will help you and your fellow NeW members to be able to detect when you are being influenced by biased media.

4.  Fahrenheit 451– Ray Bradbury

This brief piece of fiction which many of us read in high school is certainly worth revisiting. This dystopian novel speaks of a world where books are illegal, and main character Montag is commissioned to burn them. The world of which Bradbury writes is not all that far off from most college campuses today. In both cases, thought is policed and intellectual diversity is feared. This short novel could be the perfect book for your chapter to read over a break.

5. Leaving Cloud Nine – Ericka Andersen

Leaving Cloud Nine tells the story of Rick, who grew up as a victim of poverty and neglect. His mother was a drug addict and prostitute, and was mentally unstable. As Rick grew into a man, he inherited the substance abuse and depression he was exposed to as a child. It seemed that his chaotic childhood had damned him to a life of poverty and deep unhappiness. But through a proper diagnosis of his mental disorders, and through the grace of God, Rick was able to overcome addiction and depression, and become a happy husband and father. This story speaks to those raised in the trenches of poverty, and gives hope to those who are struggling with their past.

6. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Women, Sex, and Feminism – Carrie Lukas

Carrie Lukas, a successful professional, and mother of five, debunks feminist myths about marriage, family, and happiness. Lukas argues that women do not need to be “liberated from the shackles of marriage and family”. Rather, she validates women’s desires for having a family and a strong male partner. Lukas has a realistic view of what it takes to balance a family and career and encourages women to not be ashamed of their domestic desires.

7. The American Cause – Russell Kirk

This short treatise articulates the foundational principles of our nation. Kirk considers the moral, economic, and political principles that have guided the US through times of trial. This text is accessible, and serves as a great introduction to what makes our Nation Great. It will inspire patriotism, and is a great reminder of the best aspects of our nation’s heritage.

8. It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good – Rick Santorum

In this book, Santorum argues that the family is the fabric of society. As such, crafting policies that support the family is the key to a flourishing nation. This book shows how care for the family is essential to a conservative vision for our nation. Santorum illustrates the relationships between the family and the common good, and then discusses how policy should support and protect the family. This book has both philosophic and practical elements, making it a unique book for chapter discussions.


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