The Conservative Woman's Guide

What Conservative Leaders Are Saying About The Conservative Woman's Guide

You're Not Alone: The Conservative Woman's Guide to College

Conservative students today face censoring from their peers, hostile liberal professors, and more. Karin Lips, President of the Network of enlightened Women and editor of She’s Conservative: Stories of Trials and Triumphs on America’s College Campuses, wrote You’re Not Alone: The Conservative Woman’s Guide to College to prepare young women for what they will face on college campuses. Sharing the stories of students and recent graduates involved in NeW, Lips identifies problems on campus and provides practical tips on how conservative young women can thrive in this environment. This guide covers the real-life situations that college women will face whether they are freshmen or seniors. Chapters focus on topics such as dealing with censoring from peers, finding a professor mentor, running for student government, landing your dream internship, and more! Now available on Amazon.

Published 12/13/2023

The Conservative Woman's Guide Podcast

We produce this podcast as a resource for young conservative women interested in learning how to be effective leaders—from practical tips on preparing for campus life and their first job to exposing progressive narratives to making the case for conservative ideas. These short, binge-able episodes equip them with the knowledge they need to be strong leaders in their communities. The Conservative Woman’s Guide is available on Ricochet Audio Network, Apple, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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